News and Updates

Imarkets update: 10-05-2024
Imarkets has moved to a bigger and faster server

Over the next few weeks iMarket's is going to do a major update on our website.
Which includes bug fixes and security updates and a small facelift back to the white background.

While this happens there may be some disruption to our service from time to time until the upgrade is complete. 
Over past few years there have been issues with emails not being received, going to spam or the mail address won't accept email.
This is because all of the free email service providers eg gmail block external sites from sending and receiving messages. in our upgrade there will be options made available to our users a support desk ticketing system to contact iMarket's in various departments. We will also offer a free email account on our server to use with the iMarket's platform.

Newsletter subscribers: There has been a issues with users not able to unsubscribe even when they don't have an account with us, we are sorry about this, as it was a bug in our software that will be fixed in our upgrade. Once the upgrade is done, we will send another newsletter with the option to unsubscribe.

So, what new in the upgrade:
A small facelift.
Security updates
Bug fixes
Newsletters unsubscribe.
Support deck ticket system.
Free email account with webmail login on our site.

Addition Buyer protection when using Sellers Credit Virtual Gateway - 
What is this and how it works:
With the Sellers Credit virtual payment gateway, it will enable buyers to make transactions on our website using their account balance.
Buyers can make payment to IMarket's directly by funding their accounts in buyers control panel. This is set up to work like a normal payment gateway (where buyers can opt to pay using Website Credit or through a normal payment gateway) or automatic, where the credit will automatically be transferred from the buyers to the seller's account upon successful sale. This gives the buyer additional peace of mine with our protection policy, no item received, money back to your account. T/c apply.

IMarket's has opened a new site in addition to iMarket's marketplace dedicated to movie buffs it's called Movie Marketplace and can be located at It's already been setup and ready to go. Why have we done this, after feedback from users and the closure of many publishers of movies, DVDs are in fast decline but the appetite for movies from all eras is in big demand, Mod Disc and digital downloads are the new age of media. This is what users want, classic hard to find movies on DVD-r and movies to go to be played across devices.

Sellers are welcome to open additional accounts on our new platform who sell movie related products.
Site has just been launched - Please register today and start a new movie experience.

IMarket's support.