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DonaldBWilson 219
THE STRAWBERRY BLONDE (1941) James Cagney Olivia de Havilland Rita Hayworth
Region: All, plays in all DVD players worldwide.
DonaldBWilson 219
TALES OF MANHATTAN (1942) Charles Boyer Rita Hayworth Ginger Rogers Henry Fonda
Region: All, plays in all DVD players worldwide.
DonaldBWilson 219
THE TAMING OF THE SHREW (1967) Elizabeth Taylor Richard Burton
Region: All, plays in all DVD players worldwide.
GraveyardShift 105
My Demon Lover 1987 DVD
Denny, a young woman with bad luck in meeting the right men, meets Kaz, a homeless street musician and thinks she may have found the one. However, little does she know about a curse that turns him into a demon when he is aroused.
GraveyardShift 105
Mischief 1985 DVD
Jonathan (Doug McKeon) is a nerd -- until a rebellious new kid, greaser and womanizer Gene (Chris Nash), moves in next door and starts teaching him how to land his crush, the popular Marilyn McCauley (Kelly Preston). But as Gene helps out Jonathan, he develops his own crush on Bunny Miller (Catherine Mary Stewart), even though she's dating one of the high school's star athletes. Gene rethinks his philosophy on women, and Jonathan realizes that dream girls are better off remaining dreams.
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Teen Witch 1989 DVD
A 16-year-old high school girl learns that she happens to be a descendant of one of the witches of Salem. She uses her newfound powers to snag herself the handsome football captain as her boyfriend.
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The Wizard 1989 DVD
Refusing to allow his younger half-brother to be institutionalised, a 13-year-old boy takes him to California to participate in a video game competition.
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The Wild Life 1984 DVD
A high-school wrestler (Christopher Penn) parties with his buddy (Eric Stoltz) at a swinging-singles apartment complex.
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Vibes 1988 DVD
Psychics Nick (Jeff Goldblum) and Sylvia (Cyndi Lauper) are tricked into flying to Ecuador to find a fabled city of gold.
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Have Rocket Will Travel 1959 DVD
Three stooges, Moe, Larry, and Curly, accidentally land on Venus, where a series of adventures await them.