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Movietime 1488
Mr. North 1988 Robert Mitchum, Lauren Bacall, Anjelica Huston
In an opulent New England community, an Ivy Leaguer causes a stir with what seem to be mysterious curative abilities
Movietime 1488
Six of a Kind 1934 Charles Ruggles, Mary Boland, W.C. Fields, George Burns, Gracie Allen
J. Pinkham Whinney (Charlie Ruggles) and his wife, Flora (Mary Boland), want to go on a second honeymoon and decide to share the trip's expenses with a wacky couple, George Edward (George Burns) and Gracie De Vore (Gracie Allen)
Movietime 1488
Soldier in the Rain 1963 ackie Gleason, Steve McQueen, Tuesday Weld, Tony Bill.
Maxwell, a master sergeant in the army, develops a close friendship with a younger colleague, Clay, who hopes to convince him to partner with him in a business venture outside of the service.
Movietime 1488
The Facts of Life 1960 Bob Hope
The Facts of Life is a 1960 romantic comedy starring Bob Hope and Lucille Ball as married people who have an affair. Written, directed and produced by longtime Hope associates Melvin Frank and Norman Panama, the film is more serious than many other contemporary Hope vehicles.
Movietime 1488
Buddy Buddy 1981 - Walter Matthau, Jack Lemmon, Klaus Kinski
A hit man on his last assignment is distracted by his bumbling hotel neighbour's attempts at suicide, and an odd alliance between the two is formed.
Movietime 1488
Soldier in the Rain (1963) Steve McQueen, Jackie Gleason,
The bond of friendship between a worldly-wise Army Master Sergeant and his naive worshiper.
Movietime 1488
If I Had a Million 1932 Gary Cooper, George Raft, Charles Laughton, W.C. Fields, ...
To prevent his inheritance from going to his greedy family, a steel tycoon (Richard Bennett) chooses eight random strangers and gives them each $1 million.
Movietime 1488
Bluebeard's Eighth Wife 1938 Claudette Colbert Gary Cooper
Nicole, a French woman, plots revenge against her fiance after learning that he is married and divorced seven times.
Movietime 1488
Cluny Brown 1946 Jennifer Jones Charles Boyer
Cluny, a plumber's niece, helps Adam, a Czech refugee, fix his sink. However, when her uncle sees this, he is horrified and sends her off to do a more ladylike work at a wealthy estate.
Movietime 1488
The Actress 1953 George Cukor · Spencer Tracy · Jean Simmons · Teresa Wright · Anthony Perkins · Ian Wolfe.
Former seaman Clinton Jones now works at a lowly job. His daughter Ruth wants to become an actress. Clinton gets fired and Ruth rejects the advances of Fred Whitmarsh.
Movietime 1488
Bedtime For Bonzo (1951) Ronald Reagan, Diana Lynn, and Peggy as Bonzo
A professor (Ronald Reagan) hires a nanny (Diana Lynn) to help him raise a chimp, hoping to decide nature vs. nurture.
Movietime 1488
Party Wire 1935 Jean Arthur and Victor Jory.
Heir to a dairy farm in a small farming community, Matthew Putnam (Victor Jory) returns home to care for his ailing aunt and is surprised to see how childhood friend Marge Oliver (Jean Arthur) has grown.
Movietime 1488
O. Henry's Full House (1952) Charles Laughton, Marilyn Monroe, Anne Baxter
O. Henry's Full House is a 1952 American anthology film made by 20th Century Fox, consisting of five films, each based on a story by O. Henry. The film was produced by André Hakim and directed by five directors from five screenplays with different authors. The music score was composed by Alfred Newman
Movietime 1488
The Birds & The Bees 1956 George Gobel, Mitzi Gaynor and David Niven.
A rich meatpacker's vegetarian son (George Gobel) falls for a cardsharp (Mitzi Gaynor) working a cruise ship with her father (David Niven
Movietime 1488
Goodbye Again 1961 - Ingrid Bergman, Anthony Perkins, Yves Montand, Yul Bry
Middle-aged businesswoman Paula Tessier (Ingrid Bergman) resists the advances of Philip Van der Besh (Anthony Perkins), the 24-year-old son of one of her clients (Jessie Royce Landis).
Movietime 1488
Rage in Heaven 1941 - Ingrid Bergman, Robert Montgomery, George Sanders, Lucile Watson, Oskar Homolka
Engineer Ward Andrews (George Sanders) visits his old college roommate, Phillip Monrell (Robert Montgomery), at his home, where both are taken by Mrs. Monrell's new secretary, vivacious Stella Bergen (Ingrid Bergman).
Movietime 1488
The Yellow Rolls-Royce 1964 - Alain Delon, Ingrid Bergman, Shirley MacLaine
One Rolls-Royce belongs to three vastly different owners, starting with Lord Charles (Rex Harrison), who buys the car for his wife (Jeanne Moreau) as an anniversary present
Movietime 1488
The Great Moment 1944 ‧ Joel McCrea Betty Field, features Harry Carey,
This movie features the life of Dr. W. T. Morgan, a dentist, who invented the first truly effective anesthesia.
Movietime 1488
Magic Town 1947 James Stewart; ‎Jane Wyman‎;
A peaceful hamlet takes a turn for the worse after being publicized as a true reflection of average America.
Movietime 1488
One Little Indian 1973 ‧James Garner, Vera Miles, Pat Hingle, Morgan Woodward, John Doucette
An Army deserter (James Garner) flees by camel across the desert with a white boy (Clay O'Brien) raised by Indians.