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rareclassicmovies 160
Abbott and Costello Here Come The Co-Eds = Dvd
Oliver Quackenbush (Lou Costello), Molly (Martha O'Driscoll) and her brother Slats (Bud Abbott) work for the Miramar Ballroom as taxi dancers. Slats plants a phony article in the local newspaper that declares Molly's ambition is to attend Bixby College. The dean of Bixby (Donald Cook) reads the article and offers her a scholarship. She agrees, but only if Oliver and Slats can accompany her. They are hired as caretakers. Meanwhile, Chairman Kirkland (Charles Dingle), whose daughter Diane (June Vi...
Movietime 1488
His Butler's Sister 1943 - Deanna Durbin, Franchot Tone, Pat O'Brie
Delighted by news from her half-brother Martin (Pat O'Brien) about his many successes in Manhattan, small-town Midwestern girl and aspiring singer Ann (Deanna Durbin) packs it up and heads to the Big Apple
TerryNation 308
Region Code : All, plays in all DVD players worldwide 