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Movietime 1488
Mourning Becomes Electra 1947 Rosalind Russell, Michael Redgrave, Kirk Douglas
After Civil War has ended, the Mannons the Cis, a wealthy New England family, await the return of patriarch Ezra, general for the Union army, and son Orin, a timid young man before becoming an Army officer. 
rareclassicmovies 160
Abbott and Costello Here Come The Co-Eds = Dvd
Oliver Quackenbush (Lou Costello), Molly (Martha O'Driscoll) and her brother Slats (Bud Abbott) work for the Miramar Ballroom as taxi dancers. Slats plants a phony article in the local newspaper that declares Molly's ambition is to attend Bixby College. The dean of Bixby (Donald Cook) reads the article and offers her a scholarship. She agrees, but only if Oliver and Slats can accompany her. They are hired as caretakers. Meanwhile, Chairman Kirkland (Charles Dingle), whose daughter Diane (June Vi...