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Movietime 1489
BEWARE OF PITY (Lilli Palmer Albert Lieven
Beware of Pity is a 1946 British romantic drama film directed by Maurice Elvey and starring Lilli Palmer, Albert Lieven and Cedric Hardwicke. It is based on the novel of the same name by Stefan Zweig. A paraplegic young baroness mistakes compassion for love. The film's costumes were designed by Cecil Beaton
Movietime 1489
This Sporting Life 1963 : Richard Harris; ‎Rachel Robert
Yorkshire coal miner Frank Machin (Richard Harris) picks a fight in a club and subsequently finds himself being recruited for a rugby team.
Movietime 1489
A Pair of Briefs 1962 Michael Craig, Mary Peach, Brenda de Banzie,
A new female barrister bonds with a male rebel in chambers, and then tries to piece together a case with him when the opportunity for a more interesting case comes along.
Movietime 1489
They Knew Mr. Knight Mervyn Johns, Nora Swinburne and Joyce Howard
A random accident brings struggling businessman Thomas Blake into contact with Mr Knight, a successful financier. Knight encourages him to take risks with his money and his honour, and Blake discovers that all that glitters is not gold.
Movietime 1489
Stock Car 1955 Paul Carpenter, Rona Anderson, and Susan Shaw.
After the death of her father while motor racing, the daughter (Rona Anderson) is dissuaded from selling his garage by fellow racer Larry (Paul Carpenter) who helps her run the garage
Movietime 1489
The Dead 1987 Anjelica Huston.
Yorkshire coal miner Frank Machin (Richard Harris) picks a fight in a club and subsequently finds himself being recruited for a rugby team. He's an unpolished player, but his aggressiveness, brutality and indifference to the rules of fair play impress the team owners.
Movietime 1489
THIS SPORTING LIFE 1963 Richard Harris, Rachel Roberts
Yorkshire coal miner Frank Machin (Richard Harris) picks a fight in a club and subsequently finds himself being recruited for a rugby team. He's an unpolished player, but his aggressiveness, brutality and indifference to the rules of fair play impress the team owners.
Movietime 1489
Life for Ruth 1962 Michael Craig, Patrick McGoohan and Janet Munro
After their young daughter, Ruth (Lynn Taylor), is seriously injured in a boating accident, John Harris (Michael Craig) and his wife, Pat (Janet Munro), take her to the hospital.
Movietime 1489
The Scapegoat 1959 Alec Guinness, Nicole Maurey
On a vacation to France, John Barratt comes across a man who looks exactly like him. The fun begins when the look-alike gets John drunk and swaps lives with him.
Movietime 1489
Late Extra 1935 James Mason. Alastair Sim
Late Extra is a 1935 British crime film directed by Albert Parker and starring James Mason, Virginia Cherrill, and Alastair Sim. It was made at Wembley Studios by the British subsidiary of the Fox Film Company as a quota quickie. The film's sets were designed by the art director Ralph W. Brinton
Movietime 1489
A Day in the Death of Joe Egg Alan Bates and Janet Suzman 1972
Married couple Bri (Alan Bates) and Sheila (Janet Suzman) have a daughter named Josephine (Elizabeth Robillard) who was born with severe cerebral palsy.Black comedy
Movietime 1489
The Love Ban 1973 John Cleese Hywel Bennett, Nanette Newman and Milo O'Shea.
A birth-control specialist (John Cleese) shows a British couple (Nanette Newman, Hywel Bennett) how to stop having children.
Movietime 1489
Return from the Ashes 1965 Ingrid Thulin, Maximilian Schell, Samantha Eggar and Herbert Lom
In Paris, a Polish gigolo marries a rich Jewish doctor and stands to inherit her estate when she is deported to Dachau by the Nazis.
Movietime 1489
I Was Montys Double (1958)John Mills, Cecil Parker, ..
During World War II, a British actor impersonates Field Marshal Montgomery in order to confuse German intelligence
Movietime 1489
X... the Unknown 1956 Dean Jagger, Leo McKern, William Lucas, Edward Chapman
British Army radiation drills at a remote Scottish base attract a subterranean, radioactive entity of unknown nature that vanishes, leaving two severely radiation-burned soldiers... and a "bottomless" crack in the earth. Others who meet the thing in the night suffer likewise, and with increasing severity; it seems to be able to "absorb" radiation from any source, growing bigger and bigger.
Movietime 1489
The Ship That Died of Shame 1955 Richard Attenborough. Bill: George Baker. Helen: Virginia
The 1087 is a After the end of the war, George Hoskins (Richard Attenborough) convinces former skipper Bill Randall (George Baker) and Birdie (Bill Owen) to buy their beloved boat and use it for some harmless, minor smuggling of black market items like wine. But they find themselves transporting ever more sinister cargoes; counterfeit currency and weapons.British Royal Navy motor gun boat that faithfully sees its crew through the worst that World War II can throw at them.
Movietime 1489
A Study in Terror (1965) John Neville, Donald Houston, John Fraser, Judy Dench
Sherlock Holmes (John Neville) and Dr. John H. Watson (Donald Houston) join the hunt for the notorious serial killer, Jack the Ripper.
Movietime 1489
The Rainbow Jacket (1954) Robert Morley, Kay Walsh, Bill Owen, Honor Blackman
The Rainbow Jacket is a 1954 British Ealing Studios sports drama film. It features Robert Morley, Kay Walsh, Edward Underdown, Bill Owen, Charles Victor, Honor Blackman, and Fella Edmonds. A former champion jockey is banned from racing so live his dreams through helping a young lad to become the next champion
Movietime 1489
Dance Hall (1950) Natasha Parry, Jane Hylton, Diana Dors
Episodic tale of four factory girls and their various romances at the local dance hall.
Movietime 1489
The Angry Silence (1960) Richard Attenborough, Pier Angeli, Michael Craig, Bernard Lee.
A young factory worker decides to stand up against his workmates and fellow union members when they want to hold a wildcat strike.